Upstream Oil and Gas

Flares, Combustors, and Vapor Recovery Equipment

Safety & Compliance

Companies focused on the exploration and production (upstream) sector of the oil and gas industry benefit from Mission Flares products.

At Mission Flares, we are proud of the products we offer.  Our products are used during drilling, fracking, and production sites to ensure safety and regulation compliance.

Additionally, all of our upstream equipment is designed to meet Quad O requirements.

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Upstream Oil and Gas  Products


Mission Flares specialists work with your organization to determine the most appropriate products for your emissions control needs.

Our comprehensive offerings include Vapor Recovery Units and Combustors to air assist flares, high pressure flares, and much more.

Mission Flares Upstream Oil and Gas product offerings include: 

Service 24/7

Our services team offers a comprehensive suite of assistance to maximize the performance and reliability of your systems. From commissioning and installation, routine maintenance inspections (PMI), and emergency repairs, we've got you covered!

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Still Have Questions About Our Flares & Combustion Services or Products?  

Make the next move! Talk to one of our experts to learn how our team can help your organization!

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